
Cake brownie muffin fruitcake sweet candy danish sesame snaps sweet roll. Halvah caramels gingerbread chocolate cake cake caramels caramels. Pie bear claw marzipan tart halvah sugar plum cotton candy. Pie chocolate bar sesame snaps.

Hit or miss? How do you rate these ad campaigns?

Hit or miss? How do you rate these ad campaigns?

Marketing Campaign
21 Sep 2020
To gain an understanding of the impact Covid is having on marketers’ decisions, we decided to review a few recent ad campaigns to see if they were a hit...
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Your complete email marketing guide

Your complete email marketing guide

Email Marketing
13 Jul 2020
Following the success of our email marketing training series, we’ve created an interactive PDF version for marketers to download and use as a single reference point for future campaigns.
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Marketing strategies for the here and now!

Marketing strategies for the here and now!

30 Jun 2020
Are you developing your marketing tactics as we head into a ‘new normal’? Here we explore 3 effective strategies to help re-engage existing customers and gain new ones.
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Your top blog picks!

Your top blog picks!

Email Marketing
16 Jun 2020
In this blog we decided to do things differently and include your favourite articles from the past 12 months. Interesting, they are all email focused. Great news for us...
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Your complete guide to email marketing

Your complete guide to email marketing

Email Marketing
19 May 2020
Looking to boost your email marketing skills and ROI? Register for our free, unique series of training sessions. Delivered via email, these easily digestible modules cover topics including campaign...
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Should I invest in marketing right now?

Should I invest in marketing right now?

Marketing Strategy
9 Apr 2020
It may feel right to cut back on your marketing during challenging times, but what’s the best way to go about it and what impact will it have on...
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The do’s and don’ts of email marketing during uncertainty

The do’s and don’ts of email marketing during uncertainty

Email Marketing
31 Mar 2020
With online communication being our lifeline to any form of normality at the moment, here we’ve outlined some best practice email marketing tips to help you through uncertain times....
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Working from home – a guide for fellow marketeers

Working from home – a guide for fellow marketeers

24 Mar 2020
To help you get through unprecedented times, we asked our team for their working from home survival tips, here’s what they said...
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4 point guide to getting the most out of your marketing automation platform

4 point guide to getting the most out of your marketing automation platform

Marketing Strategy
24 Feb 2020
In this guide, Andrew Nicholson from Kulea takes a closer look at the ins and outs of automation platforms - includes a cake recipe for creating the perfect marketing...
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