Meet our Team – Adrian Bright – Front End Developer

It’s been a fair few months since we last introduced you to one of our team, but for good reason. We’ve been really busy onboarding new members and building up a plethora of new skills to ensure we offer a fully rounded service covering all marketing requirements. With this in mind meet Adrian, our savvy front end developer and the newest member on the dev team.

With over 19 years’ experience in design and web development and a passion for learning, he has an enviable toolkit of skills and techniques to really push coding above and beyond. And he’s also a true Air-Cooled classic VW fan, owning an ex German fire bus and classic beetle – just to make him that little bit more quirky!  Here’s what he had to say during his interview:

Q: What’s a typical day like in the office?

A typical day at 1973, there’s no such thing. Every day is different offering new challenges, exactly what I like! Whether it’s an email, website, dedicated landing page or app, researching new ways of doing things and solving problems make up a big part of my day. The key for me is prioritising, understanding what is pressing and what can wait, and then finding the best solution to deliver something special within the given timeframe. A little pressure, got to be good for you!

Q: What’s the best bit about your job?

Learning new stuff, particularly exploring new frameworks. It’s who I am and what makes me tick! Another element I thoroughly enjoy is automation, streamlining internal processes to speed up workflow, which ultimately makes the team more efficient and effective. This is very rewarding and I feel is my niche within the team.

I also love the fact that everyone really values sharing skills and knowledge.  This enables us to collectively stay ahead of the game as well as share best practice.

Q: What’s it like working with the 1973 team?

They’re a fun, friendly and highly skilled bunch who are always chomping at the bit to try out new ideas and ways of doing things. Working collaboratively is something we all enjoy very much, it enables us to explore projects from all angles to ensure we come up with the best possible solution for our customers. One thing that particularly stands out for me though is the fact that everyone is happy to go out of their way to help and offer advice, they’ve always got my back.

Q: What’s next for your role?

Oh, well there’s a question. I’d like to think going forward there will be more focus on the dynamic side of digital.  More opportunity to explore how else it can be used for things like personalised data dashboards for reporting purposes and landing pages.  It’s all about personalisation and efficiency, providing a unique, quality experience and interactive journey for each user that’s straight forward, valuable and allows them to quickly get to their desired destination or outcome.

In addition I’d like to continue to focus on refining my skills further, embracing new challenges to broaden my learning and increase my knowledge. Everything digital evolves very quickly so staying at the forefront of developments is crucial if you are going to deliver excellence, something I value very much.
