1973 News

It’s been a fair while now since I’ve posted on here, but I have a good reason! This time last year I became a mum, and life became pretty different!

I’ve been easing back into work over the last 6 months, and what a 6 months it has been! Things have been moving at such a fast pace at 1973 with so many exciting things going on that it’s been great to be a part of it, making the time away from my new baby that bit more bearable!

So what’s been happening I hear you cry? Well since you ask, here are our news headlines …

An exciting new client

We were thrilled to be awarded lead agency for a large tech company’s B2B communications in EMEA. Having worked with them for several years we’re hugely excited to see how we can now develop this account from a strategic perspective and bring fresh ideas and avenues into their marketing mix, such as media buying, digital publishing apps and direct mail.

We became a teenager!

In July we celebrated our 13th birthday! We’ve come a long way since 2004 when developers Chris and Dave founded the company and grown up into a full service agency. This called for a makeshift birthday cake and a trip to the pub!

Our team is having a growth spurt!

stand up meeting
This year we’ve welcomed aboard front-end developers, senior designers and account managers to the team; each bringing a wealth of experience in different areas to expand our offering and open up new opportunities for us. Being a service company, the people that make up our team are hugely important to us, our work and our values so we’re incredibly proud of the team we’re building and what they bring to the business.

We’ve moved!

Monument Park
With more people comes the need for a larger space, and as such we’ve moved to new premises in Chalgrove giving us some much needed room to expand into. We’re gradually working our way through the local Oxfordshire pubs in search of the ultimate lunchtime venue!

Marketo certification

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Congratulations to Warren who became certified as a Marketo expert. The exam had to be done with a live webcam so was slightly nerve-wracking but he kept his cool as we knew he would and has gone straight to work using his knowledge tracking email and landing pages for an international client.

DMA membership

DMA The Code logo
We joined the DMA earlier this year since our values align with their “code” of respecting privacy and providing a positive and transparent service. We look forward to giving back to the community via the talks and mentoring schemes, specifically hoping to join the email council.

Another year, another Litmus Conference

Litmus takeaways presentation
Each year we love to attend the Litmus email design conference in London. This year it was our senior designer Victoria and front-end developer Adrian’s turn to go and they gave the rest of the team a fantastic post-conference run through afterwards so we were all kept in the loop on the latest email geekery.

Check out their takeaways in their blog posts:
Litmus Live 2017 – Top 8 takeaways, by Victoria Fairbank
Litmus Live 2017 – 5 key learnings for developers, by Adrian Bright

A new website is in order!

With the recent growth and progression of our company we’re revisiting our website and branding to bring our own marketing inline with who we are now, watch this space!
