Spotlight on 1973

This month saw us feature in a couple of case studies – one for the business centre in which we have our office and one for our business advisors. As they interviewed us we realised how much has happened over the last few years of knowing them. It’s been a great excuse to take some time to reflect on our business, as well as see it from outside perspectives!

See for yourself what they had to say about us…

CMC Partners

We started working with CMC Partners in 2013 when we felt that some business advice would help us to hone in on our key offerings and gain a greater sense of direction for the company. Over the last 2 years of working with them we have achieved this and so much more. Meeting with Rupert every month is invaluable for getting away from the day to day tasks to spend time looking at the overall picture, as well as getting another perspective on things. It has come to feel like we have another partner we can turn to whenever we need to, who always has our back and the best interests of the business at heart. If anyone running their own business is thinking of taking up business advice we definitely recommend it!

Case Study on 1973
Read CMC’s Case Study on us

Watlington Business Centre

We first took up an office in Watlington Business Centre in 2011, having moved from High Wycombe to this convenient and picturesque setting. The team here were welcoming and accommodating from the off and as we’ve grown we’re now in our 4th office here, having had the flexibility to move into larger spaces as we’ve scaled up. It’s been a great place for networking and we’ve worked with many other agencies within the building as well as creating the website for the centre itself. Being such a friendly and homely place certainly helps when spending longer hours at the office!

WBC Case Study on 1973 Ltd
Read WBC’s Case Study on us
